Traveling with pets

As a pet lover, I often take my dog on trips. Day-Z is especially fond of car trips.

But traveling with your pets can be stressful, and most vets recommend only flying with your animal when absolutely necessary.  So if you have to fly, here are a few tips from travel writer Loren Christie, to help ensure your pet has a good flight.

  • Buy a proper travel kennel. If your pet is traveling underneath in the baggage compartment, make sure the kennel is hard on all sides. Soft cases can on occasion allow the animal to protrude, causing injury. The kennel should also be leak-proof, secure, and according to international regulations, big enough to allow the animal to stand, turn around and lie down. For smaller pets that are carried on board, use a proper, soft-sided travel kennel with air holes.
  • Feed the pet at least four to six hours before traveling. A full stomach can cause discomfort.
  • Avoid sedating your pet and ensure they are well-exercised prior to boarding
  • Cover the bottom of the kennel with a towel or other absorbent material
  • Attach a water dish to the outside of the carrier. If the flight is delayed, this will help the flight staff give your pet a drink.
  • Do not lock the kennel.
  • Label the kennel with your name, telephone and email address. Tape it right to the kennel in more than one place.

Read more from Loren Christie at:


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